805 . 680 . 6542 info@yoga4man.com

Calming & Relaxing Yoga Poses for Active Agers | Meditation in Motion ] Yoga Nidra Meditation


Stream to your Desktop, Ipad or Iphone
Level: Beginning
Duration: 60 minutes
Props: Yoga Mat and Blocks (optional)


Welcome to our Calming & Relaxing Yoga class for active agers with flowing yoga movement that connects to each breath.  This class is meditation in motion.  If you really want to get out of your head and focus on your body – this is your class.  The key ingredient is feeling your breath flow with each movement.  At the end of class you will experience the most amazing meditation – Yoga Nidra.  This shorten version of Yoga Nidra is around 10 minutes long and is guaranteed to remove the stress and worries of the day.

Stream to your Desktop, Ipad or Iphone
Level: Beginning
Duration: 60 minutes
Props: Yoga Mat and Blocks (optional)


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