805 . 680 . 6542 info@yoga4man.com

1.) First things first….

• Stop beating yourself up!
• Become you own best friend.
• Start listening to what your body, mind and spirit needs and stop listening to what the popular media tells us.
• Begin by writing down objectives for a new you.
• Don’t just wish for it….write it down and make it real.

2.) How do we begin to feel better?
• We all have a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle. Sometime we are out of touch for so long that we don’t know we feel bad.
• Yoga can help you focus inward and identify the changes you need to make.
• To make Yoga a significant part of your new life style, you have to make it a regular routine – Like brushing your teeth.

3.) We all have a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle. Sometime we are out of touch for so long that we don’t know we feel bad.
• Yoga can help you focus inward and identify the changes you need to make.
• To make Yoga a significant part of your new life style, you have to make it a regular routine – Like brushing your teeth.

4.) Yoga can help you meet your Needs
• Yoga can break the cycle of stress, anxiety, insomnia, weight gain and fatigue.
• When you practice Yoga you become more aware of what you eat and drink, breathe and how you posture yourself.
• Yoga can increase your awareness of daily events that contribute to bad health.

5.) Yoga Analysis
• Recent Studies indicate that Yoga practice once per week can slow down the middle age weight again.
• develop a leaner and supple body by adjusting your attitude for a long term change, instead of a quick fix.
• Most weight loss plan address the symptom of excess fat, but will ignore the cause for weight gain.

6.) Our Strength is finding Balance
• Yoga can help you break the cycle of the weight gain –
• Yoga will address the imbalances caused by:
• Emotional eating
• Bad habits
• Poor Nutrition

7.) Key Benefits
• Do any exercise that you want, but do it mindfully, pay attention to your limits, start slowly and become conscious of your body
• Yoga is a form of exercise that incorporates stretching with strengthening exercises to reduce risk of injury
• Breathing exercises will encourage a mind-body connection and will place emphasis on holistic health.

8.) Baby Steps to a New You
• Our answer is simple –
• Go for a change that will impact your life on every level.
• Forget the New Year  Resolutions
• Goals are impersonal and unrealistic

Can anyone really change overnight?
• goals are based on who we think we should be rather than who we are authentically.

9.) Let’s start by being Present….
• Seek real experience in the present
• Forget the past and don’t worry about the small stuff
• Choose to feel alive all the time
• Garden or go for a walk
• Write letters or keep a journal
• Discover your love for drawing, painting or music.
• Seek out activities that fulfill your authentic self.
• When you are focused you will be more productive, feel centered and calm.  Do less and become more!

Vicki Forman E-RYT500
Email: vicki@yogaformankind.com