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Best Restorative Yoga Poses for Stress Relief | At Home Practice


Stream to your Desktop, Ipad or Iphone
Level: All Levels
Duration: 14 minutes
Props: Yoga Mat and bolster, blanket and blocks

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Our Beginners and Senior Four Best at Home restorative Yoga poses for stress relief will provide meditative breathwork and restorative Yoga poses to practice at home. These 4 restorative poses will help you take care of yourself and let go of worries and anxiety. The combination of different breath patterns will help you go inward and help transition from being anxious and stressed to finding peace and calm to your body and mind. This is a practice of self care offers detailed instructions that are easy to follow.

Stream to your Desktop, Ipad or Iphone
Level: All Levels
Duration: 14 minutes
Props: Yoga Mat and bolster, blocks and blankets.

To Stream this Video – Purchase the product with the “Add to Cart” Button
Once you have paid with the Momence application

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