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Back to Basics – Pilates with a Small/Mini Ball and Exercise Band


Stream to your Desktop, Ipad or Iphone
Level: Beginning
Duration: 46 minutes

Props: Yoga Mat and Theraband



Here is a fun way to learn Mat Pilates while building firm muscle mass and gaining strength with a small ball and exercise band. This is a perfect set of Pilates exercises for the beginner explaining the fine details of using both the mini ball and theraband. We begin with the fundamental work of Pilates mat with the theraband, and then move onto the basics for the small, mini ball. This is where you will gain knowledge and get focus on the details and precision of your movements.

Stream to your Desktop, Ipad or Iphone
Level: All Levels
Duration: 60 minutes
Props: Yoga Mat, Mini Ball and Theraband


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