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Mat Pilates for Tight Shoulders for 50+


Stream to your Desktop, Ipad or Iphone
Level: Beginning
Duration: 46 minutes

Props: Yoga Mat and Theraband


In this video, you will deepen your movements and create space with in your shoulders with the addition of the Theraband. You will begin with a standing warm-up, focusing on mobilizing and stabilizing the shoulders and scapulae. You will move onto familiar Mat work using the Theraband, increasing resistance as well as assisting your mobility. You will also explore some awesome ab work and arm strength with and without the band.  Enjoy!

Stream to your Desktop, Ipad or Iphone
Level: Beginning
Duration: 46 minutes
Props: Yoga Mat and Theraband

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Once you have paid – Click on the Video in the invoice to play “or” sign into your account and access the link.

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